My gosh, what a slack blogger I’ve been! Life has started to get busy again, let me update you.
We’re finally on the move again, back home.
Twelve months ago my husband unfortunately lost his job, only two months after buying our first home. For a variety of reasons (but mainly the mortgage) we made the heart breaking decision to move interstate, where there was a job waiting for my husband. We have spent the last twelve months trying to find a way back home.
Late last month we finally got the break we’ve been hoping for, hubby was offered a great job only thirty minutes from our home. So we’re in the process of moving home. Hubby is back in Tassie already, he started his new job about 10 days after he accepted and the kids and I will join him the first weekend in August. We’ve had to wait for our tenant to vacate and furniture to be delivered before making the journey home.
I can’t wait to be home again. We never got much of a chance to settle in properly. I mean we unpacked and everything, but hadn’t even got around to hanging any pictures! So our aim, once we’re home, is to really make it home again, putting all the little touches on that make it our home. I have a whole folder on my laptop, with multiple sub-folders, dedicated to ideas and inspiration for feathering our nest.
In other news, my life seems to be being taken over by cupcakes. I really enjoy baking and I absolutely love baking cupcakes. So much so that when we get back home, I’m going to apply to the local council for a license for our home kitchen. The plan is to start out by attending the various local markets and go from there.
Speaking of cupcakes, next week is going to be a HUGE cupcake week for me. In addition to a couple of birthday orders, I’m also making 15 dozen (!) cupcakes for a fundraising effort. My mum works for the CBA in one of their call centres. Her work colleagues have long been some of my biggest fans and have been a great source of encouragement for me. So when they asked me to help them raise some money for the staff social club, I couldn’t have been happier to be involved. I’m super excited, though my poor mum is a little nervous about the logistics of transporting so many cupcakes at once. I promise to report in with lots of pics from cupcake week.
So there you go, that’s my excuse for neglecting my blog. I’m looking forward to getting back in the swing of things and boring you all to tears :-)
Just found your gorgeous blog! I live in Somerset Tas and am involved in an awesome market at Wynyard called the Made With Love Bazaar, are you still interested in doing markets because your cupcakes would be FAB!! I am doing a basic vanilla bean one at the moment but would love someone experienced to take over so I can concentrate on other things. Our facebook page is here:
Allana x :)