We had a great weekend filled with family and fun.
Saturday was a funny day. It was scorching in the morning, great weather to tackle Mount Washmore. Hubby was finishing some odd jobs about the place and the kids were happily playing. By lunch time it had grown dark and really windy so we hastily packed everything up, ripped the washing off the line and dashed inside as the rain started. The kids settled in to watch their latest favourite movie, Cloudy with a chance of meaballs. Great movie actually. Look how engrossed they are.
By late Saturday arvo, the rain had cleared and when my step son and his family arrived, there was an impromptu basketball game to be played.
The Boy met his match, totally underestimating his big brother.
The Dude slam dunked, with a little help from Daddy.
My husband's grandchildren are the same age as The Dude, Miss A is 6 months older and Mr K is 7 months younger, so they always have a great time when they get together. We tried to take them all to the beach after tea, but not 10 mins after arriving, the rain started :(
Sunday saw the end of Mt Washmore and the yard work all done and dusted. My amazing husband pulled out all the horrible lillies that had started to infiltrate the garden beds again. We decided we're going to try and propagate the aggies in the autumn and see if we can get enough to adorn the front garden with them.
Sunday night after tea, we took the boys down to the beach to frollick in the sunshine, perfect way to end the week.
Hope you have a great week!!
Looks like lots of fun {and frollicking} was had :) How awesome is that last photo?!! I didn't realise you too were a step-mummy! My Hubby was a Dad at 19, so his first daughter is 17 now...yikes! She lived with us in 2009, but Ella only remembers snippets of it, because she was still a bubba! My step-daughter now lives back down in VIC.