This blog is on hiatus while I take time to re-evaluate my blogging direction.


11 November 2010

I decided yesterday that the blog needed a makeover. A change is as good as a holiday right? So I got to work this afternoon and changed it up a bit. I'm loving the brighter colours and the fresh look.

Here's the before and after, what do you think?



I still have a few things to do, like actually set up a Facebook fan page and finishing off my "Links" page. Hopefully by this time tomorrow night it will be all complete. I must admit, the makeover has stirred up my urge to blog again, which exactly what I needed :)


  1. It looks awesome Emma! Great job! I love the colours, the fonts, the photos....the lot! Very fresh & motivating! It must be the time for blog/website cleanups coz I too have been working on redecorating my blog & website for the past few weeks.
    Question: did you do the code for your 'grab my button'? Coz I'm having trouble doing my code...and if you know how to...please drop me a line...I would LOVE some help!!!
    P.S. Glad to see you're inspired to blog again...missed you online lately!

  2. Thanks Claire :)

    I'll shot an email your way with the code ;)


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